“When we came back, we were f@cking unstoppable…”
The phone rang...

“Hi. Is Kenrick there?”

“Who’s calling?” answered my business partner Jared.

“Hey, this is Scotty Hewitt and I was a student in Kenrick’s past coaching program. I just want to thank him because we were able to sell our company for $128 million dollars.”

“How much?”
Scotty called that day to share how grateful he was for stumbling across my training years ago... and how working with me one-on-one changed his life...

Because not only did he pocket millions of dollars from the sale of his company but the skills he developed…

….gave him a beautiful wife, wonderful family and confidence to walk through the world knowing he can communicate effectively in any situation.

Scotty, went on to tell me that...

The picture perfect life he created was not always his reality...

You see, it wasn’t long ago that Scotty was….
He was traveling, state-to-state, presenting at seminars to increase his customer base for the credit card services he provided to small businesses.

It didn’t matter how many seminars he presented at, how many people he spoke to or how many hours he spent on the road…

Scotty was exhausted. Not hitting anywhere close to the sales goals he was setting for himself.

He just couldn't gain the traction he needed.

But, about a year later, one of the other presenters - who witnessed how much he was struggling - called him up and said… 

"Scotty, I want to send you something. Give me your address." 

And a few days later… one of our MaxPerusasion programs arrived in his mailbox. 

After tearing through the material…
“...my sales went from making $40,000 [to]... making $150,000 in the span of a year…”

And that was just the start to what he would accomplish.   

Scotty moved forward from the exhausting world of putting on seminars… from running a dog and pony show trying and turn prospects into customers.  

And with his new rock solid confidence in his abilities to influence others… Scotty landed a bigger and better job… 

A new gig at a software startup where he was the sole salesforce for the company. 

And soon after starting... 

It didn’t take long, applying the skills and strategies Scotty discovered inside the MaxPersausion program to… 
Scotty’s commissions became so enormous, the CEO offered to pay him in stock - instead of just capital (because the startup wanted to use the money to reinvest into developing the software).

When he readily accepted the offer… one of the conditions Scotty made was... he got to build a sales team around the principals of my persuasion system. He knew if he could multiple the results he was receiving, his new stock would bring him a…  
But it was easier said than done. 

Scotty tried to teach his new team the skills he learned from the MaxPerusasion program. 

And while… his sales team were in awe on how effortless Scotty was able to speak with a prospect. Not even having to ask for the order… instead listening to prospects begging to sign-up… 

They couldn’t replicate the results themselves. They were STUCK in the mindset of selling instead of persuading… 

Not Influencing at the deepest levels so that… 
Sometimes, things just happen for a reason. The stars align and you get the perfect opportunity at the exact right time.

And it just so happened that I was holding a live seminar within driving distance from his company. 


Scotty, charged into the president of the company’s office and told him to…
And, with that Scotty and the sales team piled into his car and off they went.

They spent the next 3 days immersed in the skills that Scotty was trying to… 

Convey. Nurture. And Grow. 

Experiencing them first hand. The subtle shifts you need for different contexts… different situations… to make them a part of who you are. 

When they had questions - hit a roadblock - I was right there to make the needed course corrections...
The sales team finally got it!

They understood why Scotty was a sales wizard... That whenever he talked with a prospect, he was able to spin gold. 

Scotty went on to tell me... 

“...we came back, [and] we were fucking unstoppable.”  

Sales became effortless… like a walk in the park.   

Nothing could stop them. They were continuously hearing YES after YES… as their sales numbers shot through the roof.  

And it’s not like they had an easy sale to make.  

Their software solution was…
But… using the skills and techniques they developed during the 3 day seminar, Scotty and his team took the industry by storm.

And it wasn’t much later… that they were able to sell the company for… $128 million in cold hard cash. 

Scotty and I spoke about that day for around an hour...  

It is one of the proudest moments of my career because... I know when someone takes action, learns these skills and has the necessary resources to help apply them... 
It was hard hanging up the phone that day.

It was so nice to hear Scotty’s voice again. And I was truly honored to hear how my guidance… coaching and mentorship changed his life… his sales team’s and the company’s. 

I will never forgot our phone call. Scotty’s words... 

“Thank you Kenrick… for the new way of “communicating” you instilled in me…” 

“I built that company with five other people. I was in charge of sales. I made the first sale. I grew the department based on my beliefs… on how I thought sales should be done. And that is with the strategies I learned directly from you.” 

“While the members of my team and co-owners of the company were grateful to me for all the money they put in the bank… I called to say…” 

“I'm grateful to you, Kenrick. I can’t say that enough, man. I just wanted you to hear it from me and how much I appreciate how you changed my life.” 
Hello MaxPersuasion VIP Member,

This is Kenrick E. Cleveland and as you are probably aware... for the last 40 years, I have dedicated my life to the study and development of the most important skill-set for getting ahead so I can provide you with every advantage...
According to businessdictorionary.com, persuasion can be defined as the...

“Process aimed at changing a person's (or a group's) attitude or behavior toward some event, idea, object, or other person(s), by using written or spoken words to convey information, feelings, or reasoning, or a combination of them.” 

And, as you are probably aware, all communication is Persuasion…  

Whether you are selling a product, service or idea, trying to motivate yourself to pick up the phone and call a potential client, asking for a date from the cute girl at the end of the bar or trying to convince your kids to do their homework. 

Take for instance… if you were to make a simple passing comment such as…  

“Today is a beautiful day.” 

Just by the act of saying those words, you have shifted your listener’s attention to the weather and created a picture within their mind. 

Now, they might be thinking…  

Wow, its so nice out…life is great... or… 


What, are you crazy? Who cares about the weather? Have you seen the news? The world is falling apart. 

Two totally different images. Two totally different feelings you conjured with one small sentence. 


Every communication… no matter how innocent the sentence seems to be… has the power to make a difference… to influence… to persuade… to change the path of your listener.   
Your Words Matter
(They Determine Your Success)
What you say… how you say them… the order you say them… 

Determines… if you will… Fail or SUCCEED.

Over my career, I have witnessed… 

Many struggle… stuck in the same cycle… when it comes to…  
Their biggest complaint being that... they picked up the latest best selling book on Persuasion, Influence or Selling and are now stuck with a bunch of knowledge they have no idea how to use…

With no one to translate it from the pages of their book… 

...to the real world. 

No one to help them use it where matters most…

...at their job... their work. 

It didn’t tell them...  

What skill to use when... and in what order to use all the knowledge they gained… 

...Or... explain how each situation they come across will differ because each person we deal with is an individual with their own beliefs.

All the book did was offer a bunch of theory. 

No results.  

Because there is... 

NO one size fits all persuasion technique.
And since there are so many different skills and strategies, the confusion often turns into frustration…

And frustration gives way to surrender… to helplessness… to feeling overwhelmed with nowhere to turn.  

This was something I struggled with when producing my own programs.  

And after having it play on repeat in my my mind, for the last several years, I am happy to say… 
It wasn’t easy.  Actually… a herculean task.

Jared and I were like pit-bulls with a t-bone... refusing to give up until we found what we were looking for.  

So, we set out.

Made a plan. 

And did not give up until what we named… 
...was complete!

The first step was identifying which KEY CORE SKILLS & STRATEGIES when mastered will provide you with the most bountiful results.  

Ones that will allow you to enter any conversation… anywhere… at anytime… with anyone… and instantly stack the deck in your favor... with a royal flush. 

We have spent the last few years speaking with current and past clients.  

Identifying which of the skills and strategies caused the biggest impacts on their lives. The ones that catapulted their income... changed their lives and made getting YESes like second nature. 

We were... 
At what we started to uncover. 

We tirelessly dug through the MaxPersausion vault - paying particular attention to past coaching and Q&A calls to uncover patterns.  

And the whole time we were digging through thousands of hours of audio and transcripts… 

We asked ourselves some simple questions like... 

Where are our members getting stuck… Where are they running into issues? 

What is causing those issues? 

How can we successfully put an end to them? 

And finally, 18 months ago… the first insight… 
It was when we identified The 6 Key Core Persuasion Skills that when mastered leads to over 80% of your Results.
The 80/20 Rule or The Pareto principle states that approximately 80% of effects comes from 20% of causes... and can be applied to almost anything… especially what I found when it comes to being able to Influence… to Persuade with pinpoint accuracy.

80% of YESes comes from 20% of Skills and Strategies. 

It all boils down to ONLY 6. 

That’s it… just 6 skills and strategies… and... 

Probably not the ones you think either. 

Hint: It isn’t having to mesmerize 100’s of fancy “mind bending” language patterns to boost your persuasion skills to to the next level... 

… just to get someone to agree with you.  

Sure, they can be useful.... but spending your valuable time on them is… well, it is just not the best use of your time until you master the 6 Key Core Skills First.

Hence, why you saw us pull our Persuasion Factor program from the market years ago.   

Although our members were experiencing huge successes… from the over 15 in-depth modules on mastering language...

It was enough to make your head spin. 

Score one for “Project: END OVERHELM”. 

But... if you were a member of Persuasion Factor or many of my other programs...

You have more than likely heard me talk about 4 of the 6 Key Core Persuasion Skills before... time and time again...   

Especially since you are here on this VIP page.  

You have probably even spent a good amount of time studying them… using them… and have seen their… 
But the major insight we had was… 

That NOT only is there 6 Key Core Persuasion Skills… that was the “easy” part... 

It was… 

How to sequence them together so executing them in different Persuasion Scenarios was simple… and even more importantly...

To provide you with a step-by-step method for making them a... 
But… we’ll talk more about that in a minute.

Because these 6 Key Core Skills…. 

Are the driving force you need to... not just know but... MASTER…  

The 20% that will gain you 80% POWER. 

And for most people, this cannot be done through buying another book, program, course or audio for… 
Persuasion is NOT something that happens in a bubble. It is not a one-man show. It takes the willingness to learn, to listen, to change and adapt. To become flexible when using these 6 skills.

Over my career, I have worked with tens of thousands of people at every level - including when I ran my past coaching programs and held live seminars.  
  Sales professionals have sought my advice on the most effective way to communicate deeply with their prospects… learning to connect to what they desire most in just a few short sentences… in order to build instant trust…
Giving them the confidence to step into any sales conversation and move their prospect in the direction they need them to go. Now, they never have to play the numbers game again.
  High powered politicians have asked for help constructing the perfect messages to reach the hearts and minds of their constituents... so they open up their wallets and fill their campaign coffers… providing them with the funding and support to be a leader in their community.  
  Thousands of Financial Advisers have come to MaxPersuasion to learn to weave their words... so objections never crop up from potential clients... eliminating all resistance on the the way to YES. It actually works so well prospects ask to hand over their hard earned savings (not the other way around).  
...and so many more!
Do you know what was the common thread that ran through our exhaustive…

The Answer...
This bears repeating… OVER and OVER again!

Take Adam for example.

You might have spoken to him on the phone or interacted with him inside our Always Be Persuading Facebook group.
Well, just this past year, we were able to bring him aboard the MaxPersuasion team.

What you might not know is... he was...  
During this time, Adam was struggling to get his life back on track… Including his career in sales.

Well, a good friend said to him… “for you to be successful in this new career field, you must contact this gentleman named Kenrick Cleveland.”

Adam took his advice and stretched himself to come up with the investment to join our core program at the time that included 2 Q&A sessions.  

And even though Adam was homeless... living on a beach… he did everything he could to be on the calls… made NO EXCUSES... and got the guidance he needed while going through the program. 
He even downloaded all the archived Q&A calls onto his old beat up iPod and religiously listened to me work with other members - all night long - while trying to get some sleep on the sand.

After a few short months, an opportunity presented itself... to sell at an Internet Marketing seminar. The company was struggling to make sales and he was offered to come in and prove himself. 
Adam applied the handful of skills - that I was mentoring him on during the Live Q&A calls - and used them to sell over $200,000 in just two days… netting him enough money to finally get of the beach and into a place of his own.

His story is nothing but... 
(Watch Adam's story for yourself at the bottom of this page.)
And after working with every level of professional in every industry...

Today, I can say, without a doubt...

The biggest improvements in persuasion always come from direct feedback.

Think back to when you were in high school…

Remember all those textbooks you had to lug around…

Can you remember anything you learned from them? 

I can’t.

But I’m sure you knew the material at the time - you had to in order to graduate… now however? 
Not so much… right?  


Knowledge gained from cracking open a book, even words said on an audio, will never match the power of… the doing and then receiving…

Direct Feedback. 
Because when you receive direct feedback…

One suggestion, insight, adjustment… can…
I witnessed this first hand… through the seminars I held and in my past coaching programs...  

Just like when Scotty’s sales team...

Walked through the seminars’ doors and were reborn into…
As I’m sure you are starting to understand...

Persuasion is NOT a one man show. It doesn't happen in a vacuum.

Interactions. Adjustments. Re-calibrations are necessary to…
And when you do, you will be able to...

Enter into any conversation and use just a handful of skills to get the outcomes you want…

Easily connect with your prospects on a deep level gaining their trust…

Craft the exact messages needed to resonate with your audience and sway them in the direction you want them to go…

Confidently walk into any room knowing you can connect with potential clients earning their business...

I know it is the…

Interactions. Adjustments. Recalibrations that are so important to MASTERING PERSUASION because…

It was during the live seminars I held where I was able to interact with the participants that… magic happen.

And as much as the members were progressing… leaving transformed…

There were some…
Long Travel. 

Being away from from work and family.

Back pain from sitting long hours in an uncomfortable chair in a hotel conference room.

Not to mention the…
Three days could set your bank account back $3,000 or more when you add up the entrance free, travel, hotel and food. 

Not to mention...

After attending a seminar, you leave feeling pumped and ready to take on the world…

Only for your balloon to soon deflate.
Because the truth is… 

There is only so much you can cram inside your head during a few short days. Most of the time, you have barely have begun to scratch the surface.

And then the biggest problem of all…
To try and compensate for that...

For years, I ran a private coaching program where members paid between $1,000 - $1,500 a month to participate.

They received one lesson, a Q&A call and two private mentorship calls with me each month.

The best of the best developed their Persuasion skills inside this program.

People like Scotty, joined for several years.

He knew the value even when his sales team was… as he said… “f@cking unstoppable.”

Because markets change…


...and having access to a diverse group of professionals who can help solve your toughest problems along with me as a mentor in your persuasion journey is the best peace of mind a person could have.

This is where I formed some of my best relationships… and watched the members… 
Like with my business partner Jared.

He first signed up for my Persuasion Factor program (no longer available) and quickly discovered how to elicit his prospect’s criteria and values... then connect his services and himself to what matters most to his clients.

After using the strategy, he instantly went from getting 2 YESes out of every 10 prospects he spoke with to hearing 4 YESes. 

With just one skill he...


Pretty impressive right?

But like Scotty, Jared wanted more. 

So, he called up the office and spoke with my assistant at the time and said...
He doubled down on the additional income he was was now generating... 

And signed up for my coaching program - putting the first $1,500 monthly charge on his credit card.

During his first two mentorship calls, we worked on one thing and one thing only. I helped him hone his skills when using Criteria and Values.

We role-played a few situations. And after hearing him use the skill, I was easily able to zero right in on how he would be able to achieve even greater results. 

One small tweak here.

A small tweak there... for the specific context he was using it in and then...

Immediately after mastering it… he took his business, a marketing agency, from the low 6 figures to the mid 6 figures in just over a few months.

But that wasn’t all…

Because not only did he drastically increase his income but he also reduced the hours he needed to put in each month to produce the same results...

Since he was able to connect so deeply with his clients, he was able to raise his rates from $150 an hour to over $300….
His average monthly retainer went from $1,500 to $4,000+. 

A pretty good return on his investment from the $1,500 enrollment fee for the first month alone...

Wouldn’t you say?

And just one year after working together - in the coaching program - he dropped everything he built at his own business to join me at Maxpersausion...
Because... he said…

“I loved helping small businesses grow but being a part of MaxPersuasion and exposing more and more people to these skills will make a huge impact on the world.”

Now, I’m not telling you these stories to toot my own horn.

I am, however, very proud of the accomplishments I have seen from the people I have worked with over years.

Frankly, I learned just as much as my students from our interactions. And with each new student I help, I pass on my 40 years of experience from developing these skills and and teaching tens of thousands of clients in my career.

It is what keeps my heart beating. It’s my purpose in life. It’s my passion!

Honestly, deciding to end the program, was a...
It just wasn’t sustainable.

Every day, I had calls lined up... back to back. 
I walked around with the phone glued to my hand. I had no time for anything else. No time to develop my own skills… let alone new insights and discoveries to pass along.

I was a slave to a full schedule.

I couldn’t even help more clients if I wanted to… as there was only so many hours in the day.

In addition…

Members weren’t getting the advice they needed… when they needed it most... 

When they ran into a persuasion situation they couldn’t handle. They had to wait - often weeks - until their next scheduled call.

By then...


It wasn’t fresh in their minds. And there was no way of supplying the necessary insights that would save them the frustration and confusion the next time.

So, I made the hard decision to…
And spent the next few years concentrating on…

Advancing The 6 Key Core Persuasion Skills…

...by developing new strategies for entering the mind of your listener and swaying them to your point of view.

And with that I…
  Introduced brand NEW advancements for getting YESes from others and yourself… such as Unconscious Neuro Modeling™, The Quantum Switch™ and our latest program and software application - Image Spinning™. 
  Advanced our Neuro Imprinting™ and Sleep Integration Technology so that you will learn, grow and achieve even faster than you ever thought possible.
And... finally... over the last 18 months…
  Combining EVERYTHING I’ve learned and developed (over the last 40 years) and refined it into... 6 KEY CORE SKILLS that when combined will give you the 80% POWER (the other 20% is the icing on the cake) for entering into all sales conversations and everyday interactions and sway your audience to your point of view... with me guiding you every step of the way.
While the name might look familiar… don’t let that fool you.

Where the original Keys To Yes digital only program gives you a great overview of a few of the 6 Key Core Skills... the ELITE MENTORSHIP program provides you a complete system for…
We took everything we uncovered from Project: End Overwhelm… and combined it with the most beneficial aspects of attending a live seminar and participating in my previous group coaching programs.

Then rolled it up into the most effective step-by-step experience for making the biggest gains - in the shortest time possible - when it comes to selling your products, services or ideas.

And to top it off… we add our Latest Advancements in technology (which we’ll talk about it a second)... in order to provide you with a...
And, as a VIP member, who has been with me for a while, invested in a number of our previous trainings, I’m going to present you with an opportunity that I believe is too good to pass up..

Because... The Keys To Yes Elite Mentorship Program is the future of MaxPersuasion and also the simplest, fastest and most complete system of Persuasion I have ever seen.

When we launch this program to the public, it will sell for... at least $2,997 - $4,997 (different packages)... because we are including…
That means...

Complete access to me - as your guide - on a daily and weekly basis - for complete mastery of the 6 Key Core Persuasion Skills so they become fully integrated into every aspect of your life.

But don’t worry… as a VIP member, you won’t pay even close to that today for several reasons...
  1.  As a current owner of many of my other programs, I want your direct feedback as you benefit from Mentorship. While a portion of this program will contain strategies that you are already familiar with, the sequence they are taught in has been meticulously designed to build upon each other so mastery and execution is even easier than you ever thought possible. (This is extremely important.)
  2.  As a loyal subscriber, I want to finally put an end to your overwhelm when it comes to persuasion… by giving you the Keys To Yes Persuasion System so you can accelerate everything you have invested in so far.
  3.  Provide you with something we have never done before or thought we would be able to offer… not through my live seminars, not through my previous coaching program and certainly not through our digital programs... and that is by providing you with a level of access to me - that we have never made available - in my 40 years of developing and working with professionals in every industry imaginable to get more YESes.
  4.  A slightly ulterior motive… we want to transform our clients into selling machines that are so good at not only using the skills and strategies themselves but have such a high level of mastery that they can teach others. Our mission is to put an end to the horrible and outdated sales trainings being sold today and create an army of Persuasion Experts that will eventually be able to mentor others inside the program.
Frankly, it’s time we made a course adjustment here at MaxPersuasion to give you every possible advantage for moving people to YES.

So, we are changing our ways…

Transforming our teaching into doing... even further into refining... and straight into MASTERY.

And we are so confident in what we have developed and how it will forward your abilities - all the skills and strategies you have discovered from me so far…

That we are offering a...
(Or Your Money Back)
I’m 100% confidence that when you join the Keys To Yes Elite Mentorship program, you will receive at least 20X the value of your purchase price (or I will give you a full refund - no questions asked). 

Let’s talk about that for a second because… 

This is not a promise to 10X or 20X your income from being able to increase your sales.  

That would be ridiculous… especially since we already have so many high level clients who have been working with us for years… who are knocking it out of the park in their careers... who are able to confidently enter into any conversation and move people to YES.  
Now, if you were just starting out in your sales career or if this was your first time encountering these types of skills, it would be easy to promise that in a very short period of time, you would be able to... at least double your income from participating.

For instance… if you were a real estate agent and for every 10 people you speak with, you land 1 listing. That 1 new listing, after being sold, makes you an average of $2k in commissions. So, right now, if you speak with 30 people a month, you would hear 3 YESes... giving you $6k in commissions (and an annual salary of $72,000).

It would be easy for me to promise that when you go through The Keys To Yes Elite Mentorship program and start applying the skills found within - with me as your guide - you could easily increase your listings from 1 out of 10 YESes to 3 out 10 YESes if not more... with each advancement in skill level you go up. I could easily make that promise to you. In fact, that is playing it damn safe.

So, now for those 30 people you speak with, instead of just generating $6K a month (3 listings x $2K)… you would be banking $18k (9 listings x $2K)… bringing you $216K annual… that’s a $144k difference. A life changing difference.

In just the first year alone you would... 
And that is just one example of the types of leaps in income my clients saw when I used to run my group coaching program and worked with clients during live seminars.

I’m sure you can begin to imagine what they would be able to accomplish now if THEY were to receive the same level of access and time that you will be privy to inside the Keys To Yes Elite Mentorship program. 

(We’ll go more into that in a minute.) 

First, I think it's important for you to understand... 

This is the first time I have ever offered this complete level of access to my knowledge, guidance, council and support - especially for the price - you as a VIP MaxPersuasion Member will be presented with today... 
But… chances are… because you have been invited to the join this special VIP OPENING, you have at least a basic understanding of the system of Persuasion (Yes Strategies) I have been developing for 40 years and are not just starting out.  

If you were the real estate agent in the above example, instead of converting 1 out of 10 listings, you are probably already converting 4 or 5 potential prospects into signed contracts.

And for you to take it to the next level… it's not about the percentage of listings you close… its about your daily communications… 

Fine-tuning your interactions to get the market of people who were otherwise closed off to you.   

This is NOT something you can learn from a sheet of paper or from listening to an audio. It’s taught through direct feedback, guidance, support and being able to analyze situations from angles different from your own.

And with me by your side, every step of the way, you’ll be able to… 
By now, you are starting to realize, The Keys To Yes Mentorship program is NOT your typical course... where you go through it once, pick up a few new strategies and then see a boost in your income (if you are lucky).

It's about VALUE...  

Making better use of time, wiping away frustration, laser focusing your abilities, increasing your YESes, expanding your skills and strategies, benefiting from my over 40 years of experience from working with like-minded people in every profession in every industry in order to mentor you forward in your own career. 

This is about finally getting the... 
(For The Best Use Of Your Time)
  Fine-tuning the 20% that provides you with the 80% of power in your YES getting arsenal… so... you banish the overwhelm of knowing EXACTLY which skills and strategies you need to master to receive the biggest gains. 
  Knowing you never have to feel lost again - all alone drowning in a sea of information - when you ALWAYS have somewhere to turn for answers... and are able to role-play problems away before they appear when you receive daily and weekly feedback from both Kenrick and your peers.
  Accelerating your abilities, confidence and motivation... pushing you off the persuasion plateau you have become stuck on… so you can take your skills and accomplishments to the next level.
For each member who participates, they will find this to be an individual process...

That means 20x the value will be defined differently for everyone. 

For those just starting out in their careers, they may see a large increase in the number of YESes they receive. For those well established in their careers, it might mean 1 extra sale - the one they would have never landed before, an increased savings in time, a better understanding of their client base and the feeling of security that comes from knowing they can move any conversation in the direction they need it to go. 

The Keys To Yes Mentorship program is not just about increasing your sales.   

It is about effective communication… being able to persuade in all areas of your life… so your point of view is heard and accepted when it matters most.  

And after you spend the next several months with me, you will look back at everything you have accomplished, see how far you have come, how great your abilities to persuade others has increased...and realize that this program is easily worth 20x the value of what you paid. If for some reason, you do not feel this way, we will refund the cost of the program in FULL.

But there are a few small requirements.

Because I’m giving you full access to my time, I expect you to put in the work and participate in the program. I think that is a pretty fair deal, don’t you? 


In order to qualify for a 100% Satisfaction Money Back Guarantee, all you need to do is complete the entire program including bi-weekly mentoring, interact in the PRIVATE Facebook group (which you’ll hear about in a second), participate on the Mentoring Calls and utilize the guidebooks (including exercises).   

Then if you do not see 20x the value of the purchase price after 180 from your original purchase date, just submit a support ticket at: support@maxpersuasion.com or call our office at 954-633-7710 and a FULL refund will be sent to you. 

And to Guarantee that you receive 20X the value you invest today, we spent the last… 
So... how are you going to master the 6 Key Core Persuasion Strategies so you can enter into any sales conversation and move your audience to YES?

Listen closely… because this needs repeating… 

Just like with any skill… The 6 Key Core Persuasion Strategies need to become a part of your behavior.  

If you wanted to learn how to hit a baseball… reading the “how-to” in a book or listening to an audio will only take you so far. 

You need to step up to plate, grab a bat and take a swing. Then take another. And another… until you learn to connect the bat with the ball each and every time.  

Now for most people, this won’t happen without a lot of trial and error. You’ll just keep taking swing after swing and if you are lucky... you will start to make contact after a long period of time. 

And with that luck, you'll need to figure out exactly what you did so you can repeat the pattern. .. and hit another ball.

That’s leaving a lot to chance… especially if your financial security depends on being able to make contact time and time again. 

Or… you can enlist someone who has already stepped up to the plate… and can knock it outta of the park - scoring a home run every time at bat.

And not only can he connect… he has dedicated his life to teaching others how to do the same thing… 
But like with baseball… when it comes to persuading others... there is not just one type of pitch being thrown your way.

You might master the fastball but not… the curve… and then there is the slider. 

And for each different pitch, you need to make a slight adjustment... in your grip… to your swing... to your timing... to your rhythm. 

If not… Strike 1… Strike 2… Strike 3… 
(Well, Not Anymore)
When you are 1 of only 50 to join the first Keys To YES Elite Mentorship program...

I guarantee that when it comes to being able overcome resistance in your listeners, tap into their deepest desires and connect your products, services or ideas to them, you’ll start hitting home run after home run when you come up to bat. 

So, let’s get into the good stuff… 
What’s included when you decided to join
The Keys To Yes Elite Mentoring Program...
First… it’s time to finally get over Persuasion Overwhelm

Because as I mentioned before, the main concentration of this program is MASTERY of the 6 Key Core Persuasion Skills.

We have spent the last several years distilling these skills into an easy step-by-step strategy…

...taking the conscious knowledge of them (like reading a book or taking a course) and turning it into unconscious competency (being able to call on them at will).

It has taken me close to 40 years of studying, developing and working with tens of thousands of professionals to finally put this together for you. And I’m really excited to be sharing it with you today.
  Gaining the Knowledge ($948 Value): For 6 weeks, you will receive 2 audio lessons that breakdown the 6 Key Core Skills. Included to cement the conscious knowledge of the skills are transcripts, guidebooks, exercises and quizzes for all 12 of the modules. 
While some of these skills are already familiar to you, what makes this program different than all my other programs is how it’s been designed for you to gain rapid knowledge with each module, one building onto the next, all integrating into each other so your understanding of the principals will become a part of who you are. A step-by-step system for complete mastery - finally an end to Persuasion Overwhelm.

Just the first module alone took over 2 months to get right. I wrote and recorded it 4 different times to make it perfect. To make sure that even our most advanced students would get one insight after another on implementing these core skills into different persuasion situations - while someone who is brand new with these skills and strategies would be able to rapidly advance with complete understanding.
  Imprinting the Skills ($624 value): You’ll receive over 16 Neuro Imprinting Sessions™ and our Sleep Integrations Technology™ for imprinting the skills and strategies directly into your neurology. While some of them, you might already own  (one of the reasons why you are receiving such a huge discount), you’ll be the first to receive our brand new Neuro Imprinting 2.0 Sessions™. 
Plus, even though some of these might not be new to you, it’s the sequence that they will be utilized in that will make all the difference. Just like with the audio modules, this has been designed to turn you into a Persuasion Selling machine one step at a time. 
  Automatically Beheaviourlizing The Skills ($497 Value): You will receive 1 year access to our brand new Image Spinning™ Application including specialized sequences to automatically spin the skills and strategies into your behavior. 
I’m not going to spend much time to going into detail since you are MaxPersuasion VIP and are more than likely familiar with Image Spinning™...

But just in case this is new to you, we just released this new technology (the Image Spinning™ Application)...

So, let me quickly explain... 

Image Spinning™ is a web based application or “simple software” that utilizes a brain hack for triggering your Reticular Activation to wake up and pay attention to what you want through the use of images. This is done through a backdoor into the unconscious mind that we discovered buried in a neuro-science article - your sense of balance.   

When you are off the balance your brain reacts by releasing the neuro-chemical Norepinephrine, which lets your body know to take action - and causes what you are looking at (images) to become deeply imprinted into your mind. Isn’t neuroscience amazing?

Once you load your images into the application (which will be supplied for you)... 

The software uses a complex algorithm that flashes your images onto the screen at certain rates and for specific amounts of time (upwards of thousands of impressions every minute)... throwing your brain “off balance” and coating the images in the neurochemical - Norepinephrine.  

To sum it up simply... 
The Image Spinning™ application is like a motivational switch that you can turn on in a few short minutes to program yourself with what you most desire. And then have your brain automatically tuned in to go after it. Absolutely amazing!

But that is just the start to what this new technology can do.

Inside of Keys To Yes Elite Mentorship program, we will be…
(This Is The Future Of The Application)
And that is the installation of skills and resources. (This takes the application to a whole new level).

Another way to look at what this application does is... through the repetition of the flashing images, you are automatically creating patterns of those images inside your mind. And those patterns become a part of who you are. 

Using Images (that we’ll provide you with) that represent the 6 Key Core skills and strategies... combined with the application to spin them into your mind….  

You will automatically create the patterns, inside your unconscious, for you to take action on - at the click of a button...

(For all members who join Elite Mentorship and didn’t take advantage of being grandfathered into Image Spinning™ when we first opened the program, after your initial 1 year has passed, you’ll receive a special rate to keep accessing the software.)

If that doesn’t get you excited… I don't know what will.  

When you join us for the The Keys To Yes Elite Mentorship program, it’s not the individual skills that are going to be new to you… it’s how you’ll be rediscovering them, using them, stacking them, gaining knowledge on how to tap into them, build upon them and the flexibility needed to gain Mastery... 
($10,000+ Conservative Value)
Access to the course material and deliverables is a huge value in itself.

If we sold the material just on it’s own... it would retail for the price you’ll be able to join the Mentoring program for today.

It’s a HUGE advancement in the development of the skills and strategies of a Yes Strategist™... 

An over two year task that we have been working on tirelessly.  

But the real value for you - in claiming one of the 50 inaugural spots - is what I want to share with you next.  

Because for the next 3 months, you’ll have...
Not just to answer all your questions, but to continually supply you the the adjustments needed - day by day, week by week - to take these skills and use them for your particular situation.

Just think how valuable it will be when you run into a Persuasion Situation where you heard a NO… and you’ll be able tap directly into my 40 years of experience to turn it into a COLD HARD YES.

How will that feel...

No more having to repeat the same mistakes over and over again hoping you stumble onto the answers for yourself. 

No more wondering if you leveraged the right skill at the right time… or if your results would have been greater had you chosen differently.   

No more! No more! No more! 

Because what I have found throughout my career is… 

Most people struggle with these skills not because they can’t do them. (The 6 Key Core skills are actually fairly simple to use in everyday conversations.) 

But because… 
... Of bring home the sale or turning away with your tail tucked between your legs…

Is just a small little tweak here… one adjustment there... in the sequence or delivery of a skill or strategy. 

And this, unfortunately is extremely hard for you… on your own… to make the needed course corrections. 

You need an expert outside perspective.  

You need constant feedback... someone to propel you forward… always keeping you on track… working with you one-on-one to make improvements...

While the words you choose are obviously important.  It’s also how you say them - the tone, pitch, rhythm, etc. - your delivery system - that when mastered will drastically increase your Persuasion Power.

And frankly, again, this can not be accomplished through an audio program or from reading a book. 

Only through… Direct Interaction and Feedback. 

This is the KEY that makes… 
Just like Scotty and his sales team when they attended one of my live seminars and came out the other end - being able to sell their company for $128 million in cold hard cash. 

Just like Adam who sought my guidance when he was homeless - living on the beach and jumped to selling $200,000 in digital marketing packages - that’s $20k in commissions straight in his pocket. 

Just like my business partner Jared, who worked with me on-on-one during my previous coaching program and was able to double his sales and then double them again by refining just one of the Key Core Skills. 

Not to mention the countless others I have worked with throughout the years. 
Because I know when you take advantage of the second part of this program - the mentoring and group interaction - you are guaranteed to Master the 6 Key Core Skills you need to enter any sales conversation and move your listener to YES… no matter what industry you are in or what Persuasion Level you are currently at.
Here is how we are going to do it together:
  Bi-Weekly Live Interactive Mentorship Sessions ($10,000+ Value): If you were to go onto MaxPersuasion.com right now and book an hour of my time, it would set you back $794.
But… when you sign-up today... you’ll gain access to 2 mentorship calls a week for 12 weeks (24 calls total).

Now, these are... 
… you might have attended with one of our digital programs where you can only submit a question beforehand or get on live with me at the end of the call.

Those are helpful for receiving answers for a particular problem - but they are not geared for the mentorship experience you will receive inside The Keys To Yes Elite Mentorship program...

… these will be completely transformational. 

Because you will be one of only 50 people who I get to know each week - understanding your strengths - building a relationship - while we work together one-on-one on the 6 Key Core Persuasion Skills. 

And when you join the Mentorship calls each week and I learn your personal character, I will be able to give you direct feedback on what to work on specifically… and in what order... to propel you ahead even faster. 

These will NOT be a typical phone call (although you do have the option to only dial in). We will be hosting them over ZOOM. 
(100% Interactive)
If you are not already familiar with ZOOM, it’s an interactive platform that allows all participants to dial in using video (or audio) and experience live interactions… from their desktop computer, mobile phone or tablet.

Zoom gives you all the benefits of a live seminar without the baggage.

And why is this so important? Simple - because communication is not only verbal but also non-verbal. By being able to see you, it gives me more data for mentoring you to success. 
Your body language and facial cues will allow to me to see when you are confident with a skill and if your words and actions are in alignment. This is an extremely important for persuasion success.

On these calls you’ll not only get to work with me one-on-one to ask questions, role play and receive instant feedback and guidance allowing me to offer the adjustments and insights you need to persuade with power... 

But you’ll also get the complete benefit of seeing and watching me work with other members of the group. You’ll be able to absorb, listen and learn while I break any bad persuasion patterns and install new ones - which will give you the ability to spot any of your own patterns that have been holding you back. 

It’s through these interactions that you’ll be rapidly propelled forward for Mastering the 6 Key Core Persuasion Skills and start making more Sales. Getting more agreements. Having people see things from your point of view.  

All calls will be recorded and available in your members portal for download - so you can watch and learn from each interaction at anytime. We will also be creating an archive with the best of the best interactions and questions for each of the 6 Key Core Skills so you can easily access the information in the future to fine tune your own skills. 
Listen, you might be thinking… what if I can't make all the calls or they are not at the ideal time for me? That is a valid question (and we have a great solution for it that I’ll let you in on in just a minute).

What I want you to understand is that by no means do we expect you to make all the calls. In fact, from all my years of experience, I can tell you that for most members, it will take just a handful of live interactions with me to really help you MASTER the Core Key Skills.  

And I’m sure you will be able to make the time to participate live on a handful of the 24 calls you have available to you. It’s up to you how many you’ll take advantage of… 

But as I have seen time and time again - sometimes it can be just one small adjustment or one single area that’s been holding you back… one little change from my feedback that will have you...
In addition, when you run into a problem and need my guidance, you’ll make the time to take advantage of the mentorship calls. It’s really that simple. These mentorship calls will be here for you when you need them the most.

Plus, not only are you receiving access to the 24 live interactive Zoom calls, also included is… 
  3 Months Access to the Private Keys To Yes Elite Members Only Facebook Group ($997 Value):  This won’t be your typical Facebook group - and only current KTY Elite members will have access to it. Inside, you’ll be able to post questions, present persuasion situations, role-play and receive immediate feedback from other members and myself.
Plus, with Facebook's current technology, I’ll be able to jump on a FB Live or record a fast video and interact with you. This is a tremendous advantage for people who have a conflict with attending mentorship calls as the FB group will always be available to you.

Even if you are not a fan of FaceBook or social media, the group will be a valuable resource for you to connect with other like minded members.    

I will be monitoring the group on a daily basis making sure all your questions get answered so you get direct feedback when you need it most.  

So… Will you be next?

Are you ready to join me in discovering the 6 Key Core Skills for yourself and gaining Mastery over Persuasion?

Are you ready to hear YESes in all your communications? 


The Keys To Yes Mentorship Program will be the fundamental structure of MaxPersuasion from this point forward. Although we will continue to sell our current digital programs, our focus in the future will be on interaction and direct communication with our members… since we know this is where the biggest advancements are seen.

Just to remind you, when we go live with the Keys To Yes Elite Mentorship program for new MaxPersuasion members, the program will sell between $2,997 - $4,997 (depending on the package) and will include: 
  6 Key Core Persuasion Program ($948 Value):  6 weeks of core persuasion skill and strategy lessons delivered 2x per week along with transcripts, guidebooks and quizzes.
  Mentoring Sessions ($10,000+):  3 months of group mentoring sessions delivered 2x per week via Zoom for face to face video interaction.
  Neuro Imprinting Sessions™, NIS 2.0 & Sleep Sessions™ ($624 Value):  over 16 sessions to compliment each core strategy for easily implementing the skills directly into your unconscious.
  The Keys To Yes FaceBook Group ($997 Value):  a dedicated Facebook group for members only where office hours will be held for additional feedback and guidance, as well as, a place to role play and share insights.
  Image Spinning™ Application & Specialized Sequences ($497 Value):  1 year access to our brand new Image Spinning™ Technology for behavorlizing the 6 Key Core Skills directly into your neurology. 
An over $13,000 value!

But... since this our Inaugural launch… and we want to Thank You for being a MaxPersuasion VIP Member, we are giving you the opportunity to join the program for a fraction of the cost.  

In addition, because this is our first time ever offering this level of interaction, support and guidance… and there will surely be a few logistical bugs to work out... 

We are are going to make you… 
A special for our VIP members ONLY!

When you sign up today and grab one of the 50 available spots (for the first class)... it won’t cost you even a fraction of the regular price of the $4,997 package (when we roll this out to new subscribers as our main program for gaining a step-by-step system for being able to enter into any sales communication and hear a YES)... 

Right now while spots are available, you can enroll in The Keys To Yes Elite Mentoring program for only $997.  

But that’s not all…  

Because if that wasn’t already an incredible deal, we are going to sweeten the opportunity and… 
We decided to make this opportunity completely irresistible for our VIP members... so we are doubling the mentorning. Instead of 3 months (24 call interactive mentorships calls) and 3 Months of access to the Private Facebook Group…

When you sign-up today, you will be receiving a total of 6 months of each... 

That’s 48 Live Interactive Mentorship calls and 6 months of access to the Private Facebook Mentorship Group all for just one Installment of $997.  

Just Imagine...

While you are discovering the 6 Key Core Skills and integrating them in your daily interactions over the 6 week period… you will be able to work at your own pace, refine your skills and receive a total of 6 months of direct feedback from me on two weekly Live Interactive calls and also inside the Private Facebook Group. 

That comes to just $38.78 a week - less than a night out - to have me right by your side, for the next 6 months - mentoring you to become a Persuasion Powerhouse - all completely backed by our 100% Zero Risk All Reward 20X Value Guarantee. 

Think about that for a second… 

How could your small investment of only $38.78 per week not pay for itself many times over... 

How could you not finally put an end to Persuasion Overwhelm…  

When you know exactly which Key Core Skills you need to master to be able to enter any sales situation and drastically increase your abilities to move your audience to yes... Never wasting another minute of your time again? Would the $38.78 a week investment in yourself be worth that? I sure hope so!  

With having me to guide you, mentor you, instantly giving you feedback as you progress through the program - so you master each skill in days not months or years. How much faster do you think your sales will increase with each new insight gained through my mentorship? Would you instantly be able to get a high return on your $38.78 a week investment? I sure hope so! 
Click the button below and RESERVE YOUR SPACE for the Inaugural Launch of the Keys To Yes Elite Mentorship program today... Only 50 spaces available.
Please Note:

The official start of the program is Monday, July 2nd where you will receive access to Module 1 and also an invite to the Private Facebook group.The following Module will be released on Thursday, July 5th and we will be holding our Live Interactive Mentorship calls on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Each week, the modules will released on Mondays and Thursdays through the duration of the program. 
How would you like Lifetime Access To Mentorship and The Private Facebook Group?

For just 10 of our VIP members, we are going to extend to you LIFETIME ACCESS to all future mentorship calls and the Private Facebook Group. 

Yes, I know this is completely insane and it’s just our way of saying thank you for being a loyal MaxPersuasion client. You can upgrade your order to include Lifetime Access for ONLY $1,997 by clicking the button below. ACT FAST - this insane deal is only available to the first 10 VIP members who click now. 
Click the button below and RESERVE YOUR SPACE for the Inaugural Launch of the Keys To Yes Elite Mentorship program today with LIFETIME ACCESS (only 10 spaces available)...
When it comes to accelerating you life there is no more important skill-set to master than Persuasion… and the fastest, easiest way to MASTERY is through mentorship. Right now, as a VIP member of MaxPersuasion, you have an incredible opportunity to join us for our inaugural launch...

...and save OVER 80% OFF the normal price... plus receive an additional 3 months of Mentorship for FREE.

When you enroll today, you will experience... 
  1.  Value - get the same great value as one-on-one coaching at a fraction of the cost. By participating on the Mentoring calls and in the dedicated FaceBook group, you will still receive individual counseling for your personal situations without the heavy price tag… plus you will have the collective support of like minded people who may have been there/done that before you. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to gain wisdom directly from the source.
  2.  Accountability - participating in a group provides a much higher level of accountability then working on your own for two main reasons. (1) You are more likely to follow through on commitments made publicly and (2) people tend to set goals father then their reach within a realistic time period. Your group will help you evaluate your goals and stay on track. You will not want to be the only one who shows up each week without putting in an effort. A group is only as strong as its weakest member.
  3.  Support - when you work one-on-one or go through a program on your own, it is just you and your opinions… but by joining a group, you become a part of a collective. You gain a team cheering you towards the finish line. Your success is the group’s success. You gain valuable feedback from both your mentor and peers, gain solutions where you may have only seen roadblocks and have a place to celebrate your successes where others understand. Plus, with the support of the group, you will gain confidence and motivation to reach your goals with each new skill, strategy and way of thinking you master.
  4.  Collective Wisdom/New Perspective - no more working alone, butting up against a wall with no place to turn. By working in a group, you will have an entire force behind you continuing to push you forward as your group members provide insights and show you new angles you would not have otherwise seen. Think of it as on the job training - your group members will likely hold different positions in different industries then yourself. Their experience will bring awareness you would not otherwise get to benefit from.
  5.  Higher Likelihood Of Achieving Success - 80% of CEO’s have a mentor for a 1 specific reason.  That is... engaging a mentor increases your likelihood of success including a hike in salary, promotion in position and higher overall profits.  More YESes, More Agreements, More Sales!
Click the button below and RESERVE YOUR SPACE for the Inaugural Launch of the Keys To Yes Elite Mentorship program today... Only 50 spaces available.
Click the button below and RESERVE YOUR SPACE for the Inaugural Launch of the Keys To Yes Elite Mentorship program today with LIFETIME ACCESS (only 10 spaces available)...
A Quick Note:
Sometimes, we can get frustrated if we are working hard and people aren’t saying YES to us. It can erode our own, normally good mental attitude. This is why I am such a believer in mentoring for two main reasons…

One is the foundational strategies that you discover from mentoring - the 6 Key Core Skills. And the second is that when you need help, you will get it. Those two things, especially when combined with a group of like minded people working together... can create wondrous things in a person's life.

And that is why mentoring is so powerful.

You always have your mentor to depend on. To steer you in the right direction when you become stuck… confused… or overwhelmed. 

And that makes it certain that you will not err far or for long. Instead, coming right back to what works as soon as it's pointed out… what will have you hearing YES. 

I’m looking forward to working with you inside of Keys To Yes Elite Mentoring.  

Adam's Story
Click play to watch how Adam used just a handful of Persuasion skills along with my personal guidance to go from being homeless - living on a beach - to being able to sell $200,000 in digital marketing packages in just 2 days. 
Osahon’s Story
Like Adam, Osahon was struggling in his Sales Career. After purchasing a digital MaxPersuasion program, he made the decision to go “all in” and sign up for one-on-one mentoring with us (over $10,000 in training). Click play to hear how Osahon’s sales went from being in the bottom 20% of the company to the top 20% and are still steadily climbing.
Click the button below and RESERVE YOUR SPACE for the Inaugural Launch of the Keys To Yes Elite Mentorship program today... Only 50 spaces available.
Click the button below and RESERVE YOUR SPACE for the Inaugural Launch of the Keys To Yes Elite Mentorship program today with LIFETIME ACCESS (only 10 spaces available)...
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