Power. Influence. Control
Triple - Turbocharged Prosperity Bundle
Obliterate Roadblocks to “YES” & Make 2020 Your Best Year EVER!
Wealth Catalyst #1 — Recently updated, Kenrick Cleveland’s Legendary Persuasion Tour-De-Force, MAGICAL OBJECTION MASTERY 3.0…
…NEVER Take “NO” For An Answer EVER AGAIN, With The World’s Most Powerful Objection Destroying System!
  • 8 in-depth training modules on mp3 (over 8 hours of pure, money-making gold) …
  • The Brand New Advanced M.O.M. 3.0 module (never taught before)…
  • NEW – 8 Neuroimprinting Sessions™ that implant all the skills and strategies into you behavior…
  •  Lifetime access to M.O.M Wars where you can test your skills against other members…
  •  Fully-searchable transcripts …
  •  Between-module action items for quickly profiting from everything you learn …
  •  VIP access to the MAGICAL OBJECTION MASTERY Insider’s Forum and live Q&A calls…
  •  L-O-A-D-E-D with amazing role plays and real-time interaction with super-successful sales pros from a wide variety of diverse fields …
…Plus THE MILLION-DOLLAR MANUAL — the priceless quota-crushing edition that brings it all together to skyrocket your commissions, includes 39 common objections with 24 objection-destroying patterns applied to each one. Literally “guarantees” you never get stumped!

Here’s a quick overview and a few highlights from each module …
MODULE 1 — Create a Greased Slide to “YES”, Minimizing or Even Completely Eliminating Objections
  •    Three magical questions that effortlessly illicit your buyer’s hidden criteria. (Learn to ask these questions properly and most of the objections you’re hearing now will simply DISAPPEAR) …
  •    How to tune people’s brains to the frequency that they need to be on — in order to buy. (Here is the crucial groundwork for stopping objections DEAD and COLD) …
  •    How to detect even the slightest hint of an emerging sales roadblock. (Then NEUTRALIZE it on contact! …BEFORE it has time to fester into a nasty, full-blown objection) … (Then NEUTRALIZE it on contact! …BEFORE it has time to fester into a nasty, full-blown objection) …
  •    How to short-circuit your prospect’s B.S. detector. (A simple trick that makes everything you say TWICE AS BELIEVABLE) …
  •    The foolproof way to determine how the person you’re trying to persuade becomes motivated. So you can use just the right tone and language to make them go along with what you suggest …
Module 2 — Uncover the Belief That Underpins Your Buyer’s Objection and Then Tactfully Tear it to Shreds
  •    How to blow past buyer smokescreens to uncover the real meaning of an objection. (Without this you’re flying blind like everybody else. You can’t strike at the core of your prospect’s real concerns) …
  •    Don’t Be a “Sales Bully”: How to master “softening language” to elegantly win ANYONE to your way of thinking. (Sell your products, services and ideas with ZERO RESISTANCE. Influence powerfully without raising the slightest suspicion, resentment or remorse) …
  •    The De-framing Patterns — Powerful questions that allow you to artfully poke holes in a person’s limiting and irrational beliefs… and have them LOVE you for doing it!
  •    The fatal flaw in the typical “chunking down” approach to objection handling taught in NLP. (This may well explain why your prospects are digging in their heels and fighting you) …
Module 3 — Content Reframing Patterns I, Knock the Legs Out From Under Any Objection
  •    The Colombo Strategy — How to ask tough, potentially confrontational questions without your buyer taking offense. (Gently disarms their natural defense mechanisms and gets the information you need to clinch the sale) …
  •    How to pre-frame inherent drawbacks to your product or service as benefits…
  •    The Confusion Technique — How to interrupt a person’s unconscious thought patterns and insert covert suggestions that have the look and feel of a lifeline thrown to a drowning man…
Module 4 — Content Reframing Patterns II: Verbal Jujitsu that Redirects the Energy of the Buyer’s Reluctance Against Them
  •    Why rote memorization of rebuttals to common objections doesn’t work. Here’s the secret to integrating objection destroying patterns into your brain at the cellular level… so you can improvise like an objection handling Ninja …
  •    How to use reverse presupposition and counter stories to obliterate even the toughest objections …
  •    How to combine multiple reframes to create an almost indefensible attack. (Pulverize virtually any stall or stumbling block the prospect throws at you)…
Module 5 — Pre-framing Patterns and Alternate Futures
  •    How to subtly pace and twist the past (or foretell the future better than a psychic) to demolish opposition to your point of view …
  •    The Power of Pre-Supposition. How certain speech patterns in your sales presentation FORCE your prospects to raise objections…while other patterns dissolve them…
  •    Why you don’t need a 6-inch thick book of proof to lock in a million dollar deal. (Are you inadvertently activating the part of their brain that says “No”? Learn how to sell more by saying less) …
  •    How to sell with maximum “uptime”. So you know exactly what to say and when to say it (and what not to say) to get people to buy…
Module 6 — OBJECTION AMNESIA:, Context Reframing Patterns That Allow You to Literally “Re-draw” The Buyer’s Map of Reality
  •    How to enter any sales arena with Herculean confidence. (You’ll actually be disappointed when a buyer “lays down” without giving you a little sport) …
  •    How to INOCULATE against objections by inserting innocent- sounding little psycho-dramas into your sales presentation …
  •    Frame Stacking — How to gently bend your prospect’s mind to your point of view. (Dissolve doubt and uncertainty… spin any argument backwards or forwards… BAT objections out of the air like they were ping-pong balls) …
ALL NEW Advanced M.O.M. 3.0 – Module 7 + 8
It’s been a long time coming, but finally in M.O.M. 3.0 I reveal my ultra-advanced strategies for utilizing the Magical Objection Mastery Patterns – in new ways – that will have you obliterating objections like never before. You will now possess the ultimate weapons of mass objection destruction leaving a wake of YESes in the rear view mirror.
The MILLION-DOLLAR MANUAL — So Powerful It Should Probably be Illegal
This incredible cross-referenced 114-page manual is your master key to quickly and easily committing ALL 24 objection-destroying patterns to muscle memory.
  •   Embed 24 different ways to demolish 39 of the most common objections…
  •   Burn objection-destroying language patterns deep into your unconscious, so they become VIRTUALLY AUTOMATIC…
  •   Effortlessly slip into FLOW STATE when you’re in the ring with the buyer… and the pressure is on…
With these powerful patterns under your belt you become practically unstoppable:
You’ll be able to gracefully dissolve sales-killing doubts and apprehensions…
  •   Bag MORE ORDERS in less time…
  •   Acquire happier, more satisfied customers and clients…
  •   And easily CRUSH YOUR QUOTA month-in-month-out to earn explosive, life-changing commissions!
You’ll be able to gracefully dissolve sales-killing doubts and apprehensions…
300% Increase in Pay!
“WOW! Kenrick this is powerful stuff. It is truly magical! My closing rate has risen from 23.9% to 51% and my profit per deal has also risen from $2,490 to over $4,000 a 300% increase in my pay, and all in 90 days.” - James Lyon
Blew Past Quota by 50% …
“I just finished a telephone consultation that left me amazed at the power of your method. It is amazing that these ideas are never taught. They are the difference between hitting quota and “blowing past it” by 50%. (That’s what they’ve done for me.)” - Jeff Sattler , Shell Oil Co.
1,000% Increase!
“As a recruiter, I have to cold call people and make my case quickly. Your products have increased my success rate by 1000%.” - James Seetoo
Sales Skyrocket!
“I had used the principles in Kenrick’s Persuasion for my sales staff. The added dimension of unconscious selling caused my sales to skyrocket.” - Jim Van Wyck, Edmonton, Alberta
Most Powerful Course EVER!
“The most powerful sales course I have ever taken. Not only will your selling skills multiply and your sales skyrocket, your life will be forever altered in the best possible way: a life of confidence, rapport and fulfillment.” - John Ocwieja , Financial Advisor, Chicago, IL
Blows Away Other Trainings!
“This seminar blew past any other rapport training I had taken either live or on tape. The exercises changed us from book smart to street smart persuaders, influencing people throughout the weekend, as we used the skills amazingly well on the public.” - Anthony L. Schuman , Investment Advisor, Dallas, TX
Old Sales “Dog” with LOTS of New Tricks
“As an old sales dog with 30+ years of sales training from the old school, I now have to revamp all I know which ultimately will fulfill my criteria of making more money, helping more people and living life to its fullest. Thanks Kenrick.” - Mike Slabaugh, Irving TX
“Doubled My Income!”
“Kenrick thanks for all the persuasion skills you have shared through all your powerful products they have help me double my income and confidence in less than 90 days!” - Rene Castro , Wealth Advisor
Wealth Catalyst #2 — 30-Minutes Up-Close and Personal with
Kenrick Cleveland to Role Play Your Toughest Objection…
…For the first 10 minutes, it’s your turn to slam me with your most dreaded objection — the one that has you quivering in your boots whenever you hear it. And I’ll rip it to shreds six ways to Sunday until you cry Uncle.

Then we’ll switch places. I’ll stonewall you for 10 minutes. And I’ll maintain the objection using the same verbal jujitsu that broke it.
In the remaining time I’ll coach you on where you messed up. You’ll get a recording of the call… and a road-map to invincibility in virtually any sales encounter.

Fair warning: you may walk away with a badly bruised ego. But it’ll be totally worth it.
Wealth Catalyst #3 — Kenrick Cleveland’s Millionaire Mind Strategies, Reprogram Your Mind for Success…
You can learn all the patterns you want. They’ll make a HUGE difference in your results…

…But until you master THE INNER GAME, you’re operating at one tenth your TRUE POWER.
  •   8 modules, (over 12 hours of in-depth training on mp3 audio)…
  •   Fully searchable transcripts and presenter’s notes for each module…
  •   Neuroimprinting Sessions™ for each module — cutting edge, “Theta State” technology that accelerates your assimilation of the material. Actualize successful thought patterns and behaviors up to 5 times faster! (After working through the material at the conscious level, get comfortable in your favorite easy chair, slip on a set of headphones, and effortlessly lock the material deep into your unconscious) …
  •    Lifestyle Engineering Software for building a balanced and made-to-order life. (Easily integrate universal law and ageless wisdom into your consciousness. Custom-design your ideal business, personal and public “universes”)…
  •    Member forum and Q&A calls…
Take a look at a few highlights from the Millionaire Mind Strategies curriculum before you pull the trigger on this one-time-only special offer.

This is a foundational program that will amplify EVERYTHING else I teach:
Module 1 — The Magician’s Fourfold Law
  •    How to uproot the deep-seated beliefs that are keeping you stuck in low gear and preventing you from reaching your FULL POTENTIAL…
  •    The 4-step process for tearing down self-imposed limitations and re-engineering your mind for true and LASTING SUCCESS …
  •    Exceeding your set points. (The secret to breaking through your comfort zone and instantly raising the bar on what you can achieve) …
Module 2 — Designing Your Quantum Life
  •    How to increase the power of your will and ability to manifest your highest destiny. (WEALTH, POWER, INFLUENCE, LOVE, HAPPINESS, the sky’s the limit) …
  •    What do you REALLY want? (An honest look at where you are today, and where you want to go with your life) …
  •    Why traditional goal setting dooms you to failure. Learn to expand your mental universe to create a vacuum instead. (Nature abhors a vacuum and will automatically fill it with what you want) …
Module 3 — Creating Super-Charged Attraction, Your Accelerated Path to Power
  •    The P + E + V = S Formula for Rapid Manifestation. (Amp up the force of your will and infuse your universe with molten creative energy) …
  •    How to harmonize your will with natural law. Eliminate friction and self-sabotage. Build your perfect lifestyle on solid rock — sustainable, resilient, and permanent.
  •    A proven discipline for focusing your mind, will, and energy like a laser beam on the destiny you desire. (Most people blow through life like leaves in the wind. Not you. NO WAY. Not when you have this POWER) …
Module 4 — Eliminating Self-Defeating Habits
  •    How to erase faulty, self-sabotaging programming and install the TRIED, TRUE and TESTED unconscious operating systems of the world’s wealthiest and most self-fulfilled people…
  •    How to finally eradicate negative thinking. (Conquer sales call reluctance… rise above rejection… embrace calculated business risks… laugh at ridicule and embarrassment… banish the concept of failure entirely) …
  •    The secret to strengthening your self-image. (Tower over others in self-confidence and esteem… learn complex new tasks at warp speed… become mentally tough and self-determined… learn to truly love…and be loved in the process) …
Module 5 — Finding the Seed of Benefit in Every Setback
  •    How to reframe challenges and adversity as feedback and opportunity. (There is nothing good or bad… but thinking makes it so) …
  •    The self-awareness strategy that nips small problems in the bud before they become BIG DISASTERS…
  •    How to forgive and let go of toxic negative emotions that drain you of vital creative energy …
Module 6 — Cultivating Courage
  •    Four simple questions guaranteed to put your worst fears in perspective and give you the steely nerve you need to succeed…
  •    How to embrace fear and take the bold actions that keep most people trapped, small and unfulfilled. (What would you do if you knew you could not fail… if failure just didn’t matter?)
  •    The secret to liberating yourself from the need to be accepted by other people. (Close without beating an eyelash… boldly ask for what you want… speak truth to power) …
Module 7 — Effecting Change
  •    How to create the life you want with clearer visions of success and a stronger, more convincing internal voice propelling you forward…
  •    Why working to change your own thoughts, feelings and behaviors makes you a more powerful persuader …
  •    The Swish Pattern — How to transform disempowering or unproductive thoughts, feelings and behaviors into useful ones, quickly, easily, and irreversibly…
Module 8 — Modeling the Ultra-Rich
  •    Power Principles — time-proven wealth-generating ideas to stimulate your plan… guide your actions… and guarantee your realization of lasting riches …
  •    5 common wealth-creation myths. Drink the “cool-aid” and you may become comfortable. But you’ll NEVER be RICH …
  •    How to install the millionaire mindset deep into the “command layer” of your other-than-conscious programming. (When a wealth mindset becomes fully integrated with your identity, money starts flowing to you almost automatically. Your life literally erupts with abundance. And you become an explosive fireball of POWER. Admired, respected — maybe even feared) …
“A Whole New Mental Blueprint…”
“The millionaire mind course really helps build up a whole new mental blueprint. One of the most important parts of the course, I found, was the section on how to build up your Intention. Kenrick explains how people destroy their ability to manifest their intentions, and what can be done to strengthen their ability to manifest their intentions. For me, this was the most important part of the course, since it can be used in all areas of life.” - Paul CR Harrison – Canada
And there’s more …
Five Bonus Unconscious Learning Sessions For “Express Modeling” Of the Richest and Most Influential Business Minds on Earth!
Bonus Unconscious Learning Session #1 — Dominate Your Market
Internalize the success concepts that titans of industry like Bill Gates and The Rockefellers used to rewrite the existing rules of engagement… disrupt entrenched players… and establish themselves as the top dogs in their respective fields.
Bonus Unconscious Learning Session #2 — Consolidate Your Industry
Burn the strategies of great consolidators like JP Morgan, James J. Hill, Wayne Huizenga and others into your brain… and leapfrog over your competition to massive profits.
Bonus Unconscious Learning Session #3 — Buy Low, Sell High
Permeate your mind and body with the buy low/sell high consciousness of streetwise masters like Warren Buffet, Benjamin Graham and Charlie Munger. Instinctively recognize value. Leverage other people’s money and ideas.
Bonus Unconscious Learning Session #4 — Thrive on Deals
Infuse your psyche with the unbreakable self-belief and negotiating prowess of dealmakers like Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Colonel Saunders and Kirk Kerkorian. Cultivate a zeal for the deal that transcends the limitations of mere mortals.
Bonus Unconscious Learning Session #5 — Manage for Millions
Program your unconscious with the “systems thinking” of management greats like Thomas Watson, Sam Walton and Jack Welch. Find motivated lieutenants you can nurture and stimulate… and give them the tools to excel.
Phew! That’s one helluva bundle.
Just the ticket for turning over a whole new “income leaf” in 2019…and beyond!
Normally $1,710…
Wealth Catalyst #1 — Kenrick Cleveland’s Legendary Persuasion Tour-De-Force, MAGICAL OBJECTION MASTERY ............. $688
Wealth Catalyst #2 — 30-Minutes Up-Close and Personal with Kenrick Cleveland to Role Play Your Toughest Objection Limited to the First 45 Orders .............$397
Wealth Catalyst #3 — Kenrick Cleveland’s Millionaire Mind Strategies, Reprogram Your Mind for Success ............. $625
Yours for Just $597
(Save $1,113... when you get started for just $99.50)
Click Here To Get Started For Just $99.50 Today!
Or... Save An Additional $100 With Our... Easy 1 Installment Option
My 100% NO Risk Guarantee…
You have nothing to lose with our 100% Money Back Guarantee. When you click the add to cart button, you will have 1 full year to evaluate these outstanding programs.

I am so darn confident this carefully chosen bundle will change your life that I am willing to refund the order price for one full year if you don’t receive the results promised.
*Please note – to be eligible for the 100% Money Back Guarantee, you will have to perform the exercises inside the program and put in the small amount of effort needed to make the strategies and skills work.

What else do you need too now… 

When you sign-up today you will gain immediate access to Module 1 of M.O.M. 3.0 and Millionaire Mind Strategies. Every week a new module will automatically be released to you. This way you have plenty of time to go through the material before moving ahead.

*Please note – M.O.M. 3.0 and Millionaire Mind Strategies are online programs. You will NOT receive a physical package shipped to you in the mall.
This information will pay for itself in spades…
Imagine if you found out that your unconscious was programmed to never earn more than $40K a year. Now imagine, you were able to reset that programming to earn $100K or even $500K…
What would that mean to you… to your family? How would your life be different… better?

Would you stop at resetting your earning potential… or would you continue using your newly acquired skills to improve ALL areas of your life? 

Your possibilities are only limited by your imagination… 

And, by clicking the add to cart button, you are seconds away from taking control of your own future… and attracting everything your could possibly dream of. 

P.S. Remember, you’re totally protected by my 1–year 100% satisfaction pledge.  

Obliterate roadblocks to “YES” and make 2020 your best year EVER… with the MAGICAL OBJECTION MASTERY Triple-Turbo-Charged Prosperity Bundle.
Click Here To Get Started For Just $99.50 Today!
Or... Save An Additional $100 With Our... Easy 1 Installment Option
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