Focus Brainwave Booster
Including Upgrade To Brain Booster Box
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When you click the button below, you will will not be charged during the 7 day free trial.  After the 7 days, your card will be charged the purchase price of just $14.99.  (You may cancel at any time during the 7 days and not be charged a dime.)
Dynamically Updated
Here is what you will receive when you sign-up today:
When you click the button below and signup for your Focus Brainwave Booster, you'll have a full 7 days to experience complete Focus on Demand for yourself and will not be billed a cent.

After the 7 days, when you are thrilled with our new Brain Flow technology that allows you to stay in the zone, you will be automatically billed $14.99 (that's a 50% savings off the current retails price). 

Plus, we will UPGRADE you to the Full Brainwave Booster Box which contains two additional Brainwave Boosters: Integrating Creativity and Intense Focus. Yours FREE during this limited time offer. 

Brainwave Boosters Included With Your Free Trial:
  •  Focus Brainwave Booster: for sharpening,  heightening,  intensifying and boosting your concentration... as well as... improving your overall mood.  
  •  Intense Focus Brainwave Booster: which is designed to give you the unfair advantage when you need extreme, sharp and powerful concentration for short periods of time to overcome obstacles that are stopping you from moving forward.
  •  Integrating Creativity Brainwave Booster: for shifting your brainwaves into the optimal state for coming up with new ideas. This booster is guaranteed to hack into your imagination, inventiveness and resourcefulness. 
An Over ​$89.91 Value​


During this limited time offer you can take all three brainwave boosters on a test drive absolutely free for 7 days.

And when you are thrilled with how much more productive, more focused, more creative you have become by listening to the brain boosters... you will only be charged the low price of just $14.99 for all three brain wave boosters.  

And to top it off... 

After the 7 day free trial, if at anytime, you are not completely satisfied - next week, next month, 5 years from now or for the rest of your life - we’ll be happy to refund your order and you can keep all three Boosters on me. So, you have absolutely nothing to risk and everything to gain. 
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